Sunday, September 29, 2013



I just finished my birthday ice cream, Cherry Garcia, and realized that I will not be blogging for another week. I know you all have busy lives and will not mind having a hiatus from reading me, especially when I’m in rant mode. And there’s so much to rant about right now. Are you listening, tyrannical minority in the House? So much for majority rule – all you need is a super tanned Speaker without a backbone to agree never to bring anything to the floor for a vote – God forbid that both Democrats and Republicans should work together on passing legislation – unless a majority of the members of His party permit Him to do that. If this madness has previously infected any House Speaker, let me know. I don’t remember any of my U.S. Government courses or Political Science courses talking about Minority Rule.

It’s time for another adventure on land. I’m heading to New York City by train tomorrow to meet Barbara and Sondra for three days of taking bites out of the Big Apple. How trite is that phrasing? I’m excited. I don’t think I have ever been to a Broadway show, and I’m going to Betrayal on Tuesday night. I’ll review it for you, in case any of you are fortunate enough to visit NYC within the next few months. I’d love to see Dee Dee Bridgewater as Lady Day – I’d love to see just about any musical. We’ll see what tickets we can get at the last minute. Barbara is a wiz at scoring tickets – that and finding parking spaces right next to the place we’re visiting.

I would love to write about historic Cold Spring Village right outside Cape May or about the frenzy of bird watchers at the Cape May Point State Park, but I’m still recovering from sitting at the keyboard too many hours to the point of limiting the motion in my arms and shoulders. (Little violin playing a soulful tune nearby, appropriate for a pity party.) However, to pique your curiosity and send you to the history books, Harriet Tubman has a connection with Cape May. What is it?

Until we meet again at Harper Canyon Runaway, Happy Birthday to all September children!


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