Wednesday, November 19, 2014



It’s November 19 and winter is upon us on Wilmington Island, Georgia. This morning the temperature was 27 degrees (felt like 20 degrees, according to Weather Channel). There was frost on the untreated dock wood. Hardly anyone was shopping at Walmart between 8 and 9 a.m. This cold must be especially shocking to the resident Georgia Peaches who are not used to arctic conditions. I had on my four layers, a hat and a hoodie, and mittens. The cold wind penetrated through the layers. The Admiral bought thermal underwear a week ago, and he has not removed it, except at night. Florida, here we come! Not so fast, though. Slow Motion picks the moments when something mechanical or electrical goes wrong to delay our cruising. This time she picked the week of the cold spell to have a problem with the starboard engine starting. The marina where we are staying, Sail Harbor, is also a boatyard with a lot of competent boat mechanics. They determined that we needed a new battery charger, which they ordered and installed today. Then when the engine still would not start, they figured out that we also need a new starter. The Admiral ordered that part, which is supposed to be delivered tomorrow, and with any luck, it will be installed tomorrow. We have a small window of opportunity to go out on the ocean for the next leg of our cruise. The waves are predicted to be 1 to 2 feet on Thursday (tomorrow) and Friday. So IF we are able to make all the necessary repairs to Slo Mo tomorrow, we can still get out on the ocean on Friday. Or maybe not. We’ll just have to wait and see.

This was a two hot chocolate day. And if I were not heading to bed in a few minutes, I’d fire up a third one to warm my hands and my belly. In fact, it’s getting too cold to sit at the computer in the salon to continue blogging. Our stateroom is a warm cocoon calling to me – or is that the Admiral calling to me? How do you keep me from starting another political rant tonight? Lower the temps to the 30’s, and I’m off to bed. You have been saved by the Polar Vortex. You are most welcome. Stay warm, my friends.


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