In case I haven’t mentioned it before, I have a new
prosthesis – a sleeker model than the one I’ve been wearing since May. My right
leg has been shrinking at the end – a natural phenomenon for all amputees.
That’s why I started out with a temporary prosthesis and I added sock layers as
the shrinking began. By the time I was ready for the narrower prosthesis, I had
progressed to wearing three 3-ply cotton socks between the sheath and the
socket. That was both bulky and hot. And I held this wide socket on with
suction, using an overall rubber and cloth tube which I pulled up over the
socket until it “attached” to my thigh. With my new streamlined prosthesis, a
screw or ratchet holds it on. The metal screw is at the end of the sheath,
which I pull up over my knee. Once the sheath is on, I put my leg into the
socket, and the screw ratchets down – click, click, click, click – into a
receiving narrow vertical tube with turns that match the turns on the screw.
Okay, I’m not great with a tools vocabulary, but I hope you get the mental
picture. That click, click, click sound is music to my ears. Now if only, if
only I could put my full weight on my right leg and prosthesis. I dream about
it. I visualize it. I really want to do it. I want to walk without a rollator,
Did I tell you I walked on to our boat, Slow Motion? That
was last week – a quiet moment of triumph. Little did I know that my personal
drama was being watched by a couple on the top balcony of the Courtyard
Marriott. They gave me a round of applause when I stood solidly on the steps
into the cockpit at the stern of Slow Motion. Next week I hope to be back
living on Slow Motion. The noise in the apartment has become intolerable, since
the workers placed the extremely loud gas engine for their pressure washer just
one floor below my apartment. There is no way you can get used to that racket.
I asked today if they could move the engine to the parking lot next to the road
– away from the guests’ rooms, Michael the Maintenance Man said he would talk with
“management” about that. Michael has talked with “management” before – trying to
get a working telephone in my apartment – without any success. So I’m just
looking forward to getting away from this crazy place. If it’s not the gas
engine, it’s the cacophonous Cuban kids from Miami. Their parents set the
example, shouting at each other from two feet away. The Admiral says it’s “the
culture”. I think it’s just rude people raising rude kids. And on weekends they
bring their loud voices and even louder kids to Marina del Mar to turn it into
an urban apartment house. Oh, for the quiet nights in Harper Canyon. Or even
the silence we get in any Hilton or Sheraton room when we are on the road.
The Admiral’s daughter, Sonja, used her Sheraton points
to treat us to a very quiet night at the Sheraton Suites in Key West this week.
We had a spectacular ocean view, plus we were right across from the shaved ice
truck. We were in Key West maybe five minutes when we both had our favorite
flavors of shaved ice in our hands – banana and raspberry – both heavenly. This
week Fantasyfest permeates Key West. The Admiral had shown me photos of past
fests, which mirror Mardi Gras pretty closely, beads and all – except…except
many of the revelers are naked but for the intricate designs painted directly
onto all parts of their bodies. We did not go for the naked people; we went for
the costumed animals – the Pet Masquerade – who are dressed to match or complement
their owners with such popular themes as Little Bopeep and her “sheep” (a
terrier), the Devil and his angel ( a beagle), and the spotted firefighter, her
fire wagon (KWFD #69 – of course), and her fire dog (Dalmatian). The Pet
Masquerade was held on the beach at the Casa Marina Resort – perfect weather.
The most creative pet owners had a bunch of Jack Russell terriers, which they
put inside a roomy box on wheels and they labelled it “Jack Pot”. There was a
rainbow above the pot of Jacks and both owners were dressed as leprechauns.
These were hard core contestants. It was all for a good cause – the animal
shelter of Key West. True, we missed out on the painted bodies, but just
driving around Key West in the afternoon on Wednesday and the morning on
Thursday, we saw enough saggy bare butts to last a good while. Those butts
should definitely have been painted. Apparently the G string is the underwear
of choice during Fantasyfest, for women and men. Not a good look for most body
types. The Admiral and I were fully clothed at all times in public, and
contrary to his representations, I did not get my body painted this year. Maybe
next year.
The drive to and from Key West reminds us that we are
surrounded by water – the ocean and the bay. The water colors are aqua, turquoise,
teal, sky blue, navy blue, pea green, moss green, sandy white (when it’s windy)
– you do not tire from looking at the ocean and bay on the way to Key West. One
of our favorite places during the drive is the Key Deer Refuge area. The Key
Deer are their own special breed – not quite pygmy deer, but very slight
compared to the white tails in Pennsylvania. We spotted one right along the
road eating parts of a grassy yard. Unfortunately, it was so accustomed to
humans that it looked up at us, then put its head back down to finish lunch. These
deer are protected, not like the bears in Florida which were hunted down last
week until more than 300 were killed. Yes, there were demonstrations, but that
didn’t stop the blood sport from going ahead as scheduled. According to the
State, the bear population had increased to the point where a hunting season
was necessary – the first one in years. The bears were getting a bad rap
because some of us human types were putting out garbage, unsecured, which was
too appealing for any bear to pass up. And so bears became dispensable pests,
who deserved to be killed. I would think that in a State the size of Florida,
there might be a better solution that would have allowed the bears to coexist
with the humans – a bear preserve perhaps? But then again, a preserve did not
protect Cecil the black-maned lion from the dentist in Africa. Elect me
President, and I’ll take care of it. I’ll create the best bear preserve the
world has ever seen. (I know, I know, too much Trump exposure.)
We’re watching the World Series and rooting for the KC
Royals. If the Giants can’t be in it this year, their worthy 2014 opponents
(remember those 7 games?) deserve to win. They are great contact hitters and
base runners. Their defense is pretty good, sometimes great. And their closers
don’t let them down, usually. Their starters are a little shaky, but it turns
out that the Mets’ ace, Mr. DeGrom, who shuts down the most fearsome lineups,
was the shaky one in Game Two. Cueto was a great mid-season pickup from the
Cincinnati Reds. I had no idea he had a complete game in him, especially after
he was lit up early by the Toronto Blue Jays in his last postseason outing. Of
course, I miss MadBum, but it’s an odd year – the Giants win in the even years.
Go Royals!
I would write about the most recent Republican “debate”,
but I didn’t see it. Baseball was clearly the better choice. I heard about it,
and the media – newspapers, TV, radio, keep saying what a great job Marco Rubio
did. Yecch! They cite his calling Hillary a liar as just one of his great
moments. I suppose if you don’t mind someone regurgitating what the Fox News
commentators have been saying since the marathon called the Benghazi hearing
ended – then you could find this stale comment “scintillating”. What a
honeymoon this crook is having with the media! He used his campaign credit card
to pay for all kinds of personal expenses – grand theft anyone? He went into
serious debt and walked away from it with the help of a billionaire, who gave
his wife a featherbedding job. He opposes a woman’s right to choose –
absolutely – no exceptions for rape, incest, the life of the woman. He proposes
a “tax plan” which would create 6 trillion dollars in new debt. What’s to like
about this guy? And the media mavens keep saying how smooth he is. Have they
forgotten his cotton-mouthed response to the President, where he stopped
mid-sentence and desperately grabbed for a water bottle off camera, so that he
could go on? Really smooth. Oh yeah, he doesn’t like being a Senator, so he
stopped being one in order to campaign – only problem is that he’s stealing the
nearly $200,000 salary for doing nothing. Nothing. In this instance, he invokes
the ghost of Obama, who missed more votes in the Senate while campaigning than
Rubio has to date. Marco, we know Obama, and you are no Obama. Stop blaming the
media for the fact that you mishandled a lot of money – that’s a nice way of
saying that you committed grand theft. That’s a glib answer that gets you simpering
applause from a Republican audience, but eventually the voters will understand
that you are a thief and cannot be trusted with handling your own money properly,
let alone the taxpayers’ hard earned money. And the fact that your mother was a
maid and your father was a bartender – both honorable occupations – does not
have anything to do with the fact that you are a thief.
Oh yeah, game on!
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